Tag: Training

Practice? We’re talking about practice?!

With the weather turning to the-sun-is-out, you can feel the excitement among softball players. Maybe you can also hear their hands gliding into their gloves with anticipation. Is Canada’s 6-month winter actually over for good this time?

No trace of snow on the streets, highways are backed up due to construction – all signs point to yes, Winter is over and Spring training is underway! For the JMS Ladies, this means adding their baseball cleats into the mix with their high heels for all the upcoming good-weather-festivities.

For some teams, practice starts with the the slightest peek of sun in the sky. Could this be the reason for the shake in the Baqi Eagles line-up so early on in the season? In shocking news, the Eagles reported their first injury with Shelina Jessa out for the season before it even began! Manager Azra Jessa hasn’t even broken a sweat saying,

This is nothing to bury our heads in the sand for, we’re not that kind of bird

Ostriches they obviously are not, the reserve list has been called on and the Eagles have welcomed the newest member to their franchise, Alia Jaffer.

Our sources have told us that the Jamkaran Wolves were spotted at the cages early Saturday morning this past weekend. Alpha Manager, Sara Champsi, led her pack of Wolves all the way to the west-end to work-in their brand new batting gloves with some hitting practice. Looks like this team is hunting for heavy hitter status – we expect homeruns from this pack.

Caught! Like a deer in headlights, Zahra Nasser fearlessly crept up on the Wolves, StarBucks in hand, to see what information she could bring back to her bevy. The Wolves sniffed out the imposter and growled to give fair warning. When asked for comment, all Zahra had to say was,

Oh Deer!

The Eagles got wind of wereWolves would be practicing and sent Fatima Tarbhai out from the dugout to catch a bird’s-eye-view of the action. Landing a not-safe-enough distance away, Amreen Moledina hollered a roar and the rest of the Wolves turned to watch the stray Eagle soar. Well that’s not hawkward at all.

We know that Bucks can be sneaky, but this is a little too quiet for comfort. We hope they’re not just standing around eating grass and waiting for the Tigers to pounce. Strangely though, we haven’t heard a growl, let alone a peep from the Tigers. Where oh where is their ambush hiding?

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tknXRyUEJtU[/embedyt]