Category: JMS Ladies

Writer’s Choice

Let’s address the big hairy gorilla in the room, fielder’s choice, it’s a phrase that has come up for the last few days ad nauseum as the ladies looked over their stats and said “Where are all my hits?! I hit the ball at least 18 times?!!” Well ladies, in softball (and baseball) there’s a scoring category called “Fielder’s Choice”, here’s what that is:

a play in which the fielding team’s decision to put out another player allows the batter to reach first base safely.

So if you hit the ball and the defense got someone else out, or tried to get someone else out instead of trying to make a play on you (usually when the ball doesn’t leave the infield), it’s called a fielder’s choice. If that happens, you don’t get credit with a hit, it’s like not getting a hit at all. In the case where the defensive team tried to get you out but makes an error, that doesn’t count against you, but doesn’t count for you either so it’ll look like the At-Bat (AB) never happened.

But more important than stats is…hmmm…the actual game! To take a quote from every professional athlete out there

At the end of the day, we won, the W is the only stat that matters

Now if you didn’t win, that’s something you can work on…on to the recaps!

BUCKS (0) AT Wolves (7)

How come all the teams are predators and we’re the only one that is prey…

Well when you lose 7-0, you’re certainly prey. The Wolves opened the season up with a defensive showcase, shutting out the Bucks and taking the victory in this one. This game was quiet for the first couple of innings, it wasn’t until the bottom of the second that the Wolves scored their first run, with Fatema Kermalli on 3rd, Tasneem Hudda did the honors and got the league’s first RBI on wait for it…a fielder’s choice to the shortstop.  That seemed to break the ice as the Wolves were able to score in each inning after that. Though the Bucks never got on the board, they threatened in the next inning loading the bases with 2 outs, but the rally was stymied as the Wolves infield was able to get a ground out to end it.

Meanwhile the Wolves would put up a couple runs in each of the next innings as they were able to slowly turn what was a small lead into an insurmountable one. Standouts in this one are the Bucks’ Farihah Ali going a perfect 3/3 but getting left on base each time and the Wolves as a whole for playing a team game whether it be timely hits to score runs or big hits to start off each inning, the lone extra base hit in this one belongs to Tasneem Hudda and her double in the bottom of the 5th.

Great start to the season for the Wolves, but we’re sure this Bucks team isn’t going to lie there and be eaten, they’ll turn these predators into their prey in no time. For now though, the Wolves won this one chanting ‘We ate them up! We ate them up!” as they walked off into the hail storm.

Tigers (6) at Eagles (12)

If 4 different types of hail storms didn’t stop the Bucks and Wolves from taking the field, a little bit of sideways rain and cold surely wasn’t going to stop these teams. The Tigers wasted no time getting on the board with Zainab Virjee getting on base to start things off, and Zehra Kamani replacing her on the bases with a (stop me if you’ve heard this one before) a fielder’s choice.  The Tigers moved her all the way around and got the first run of the game. The Eagles answered right back with 2 runs of their own, the second of which came on what was the first of Malikah Ebrahim‘s 4 RBIs on the day.

Hold on now though, the Tigers would waste no time getting their lead back, sending their entire team to bat in the inning, they were able to retake the lead and build upon getting a 4-2 lead at the end of the 2nd inning. They would hold the Eagles off the board for another half inning, before captain Azra Jessa would make her presence felt, belting a triple to right field she would fly around the bases so fast this writer thought that she was going to catch Malikah Ebrahim in front of her. Now holding a 6-4 lead, the Eagles let their defense take over, they shut out the Tigers in the next couple of innings before blowing up in the bottom of the 5th, where the captain would once again chase 3 Eagles off the field as she hit an inside the park grand slam! Unfortunately due to the run restriction, only 5 runs counted that inning, but the score keepers made sure the home run was recorded. Now with a commanding 12-4 lead the Eagles held the Tigers to another 2 runs. The Tigers and Eagles both showcased their defensive abilities to end this game as they were both able to get 3 quick outs to end the game.

Standouts for this game Zehra Kamani who was able to find her way on base each time at bat, and the Eagles Azra Jessa who brought in 6 runs with a triple and that grand slam home run.

We look forward to our next games on June 5th where we’ll see how the time off and time in the batting cages changes the results on field.

Ladies Opening Day

The men may have kicked off last week, and while Mother’s day was a terrible choice for when to start a season the ladies will forgive their lapse of judgment. Now the real games are ready to start, and in just a few short days the ladies will take the field to show off how softball is supposed to be played. While you get ready for the first game of the season, in the true spirit of softball, we thought we’d start you off with a quick guide to opening day.

Opening Day Schedule

2:30 PM – Jamkaran Wolves v Sahla Bucks
4:30 PM – Baqi Eagles v Kufa Tigers

All games are scheduled to take place at Duncan Park. Make sure to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to game time so that you can stretch and warm up properly.


Each team captain will be receiving jerseys prior to opening day comprising of nicely tailored long sleeve undershirts with matching vests for all players. Make sure to bring your glove, batting gloves (if you use them), cleats (if you’re wearing them), and game faces.


The weather forecast for Sunday is cloudy and 9 degrees. Dress warm ladies, this one might be chilly. Games will not be cancelled based on forecasts or clouds. Field conditions will be monitored prior to the games and captains will be notified for any cancellations. Rainouts will be rescheduled at the end of the regular season if possible.


Bring your family and friends to the game, any fans that came will need to bring lawn chairs or a blanket to sit on as there aren’t bleachers at the park.  Players are encouraged to come out and scout the opposition, cheer them on, take notes and have some popcorn* while you wait for your game to start or recover from playing. Please note that men are discouraged from attending the games, but we will not be able to police this as this is a public facility.

*JMS will not be providing popcorn it is merely a suggestion for a delicious snack

Practice? We’re talking about practice?!

With the weather turning to the-sun-is-out, you can feel the excitement among softball players. Maybe you can also hear their hands gliding into their gloves with anticipation. Is Canada’s 6-month winter actually over for good this time?

No trace of snow on the streets, highways are backed up due to construction – all signs point to yes, Winter is over and Spring training is underway! For the JMS Ladies, this means adding their baseball cleats into the mix with their high heels for all the upcoming good-weather-festivities.

For some teams, practice starts with the the slightest peek of sun in the sky. Could this be the reason for the shake in the Baqi Eagles line-up so early on in the season? In shocking news, the Eagles reported their first injury with Shelina Jessa out for the season before it even began! Manager Azra Jessa hasn’t even broken a sweat saying,

This is nothing to bury our heads in the sand for, we’re not that kind of bird

Ostriches they obviously are not, the reserve list has been called on and the Eagles have welcomed the newest member to their franchise, Alia Jaffer.

Our sources have told us that the Jamkaran Wolves were spotted at the cages early Saturday morning this past weekend. Alpha Manager, Sara Champsi, led her pack of Wolves all the way to the west-end to work-in their brand new batting gloves with some hitting practice. Looks like this team is hunting for heavy hitter status – we expect homeruns from this pack.

Caught! Like a deer in headlights, Zahra Nasser fearlessly crept up on the Wolves, StarBucks in hand, to see what information she could bring back to her bevy. The Wolves sniffed out the imposter and growled to give fair warning. When asked for comment, all Zahra had to say was,

Oh Deer!

The Eagles got wind of wereWolves would be practicing and sent Fatima Tarbhai out from the dugout to catch a bird’s-eye-view of the action. Landing a not-safe-enough distance away, Amreen Moledina hollered a roar and the rest of the Wolves turned to watch the stray Eagle soar. Well that’s not hawkward at all.

We know that Bucks can be sneaky, but this is a little too quiet for comfort. We hope they’re not just standing around eating grass and waiting for the Tigers to pounce. Strangely though, we haven’t heard a growl, let alone a peep from the Tigers. Where oh where is their ambush hiding?
