Transfer fees, salary dumps, big upsets, and superstars on the back half of their careers cashing in. No, we’re not talking about the world cup here. This is JMS 2018 with more excitement and false hopes than an IKEA trip by David Beckham!
Here are your previews for Week 4!
What is he looking at?
Game 1 – Lions vs Tigers
Out to prove that he wasn’t just a salary dump, Miqdad Jaffer is a man on a mission. Not having to play a premium position anymore with captain Asad Hussain manning shortstop, look for the former number one pick to have a bounce in his step. Asad and co-captain Zane Hussain are hoping their buy-low strategy works on what could be the best trade of the 2018 season. The question is, will they be able to contain the hot hitting tandem of Vick Vij and Maysum Jaffer? This should be a great game to kick off the day!
Prediction: 8-6 Lions
Game 2 – Tigers vs Bucks
Tied for first in the league, the Bucks are on a tear. Having started similarly last year, they did not slow down until the back half of the season. While they may be 4-0, the advance metrics say that they won’t be able to keep this up for much longer. Having already squeaked out a win against the Tigers earlier this season, we’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that they will barely take this one as well.
Prediction: 7-6 Bucks
Game 3 – Bucks vs Lions
Games one and two were just a warm up for what is shaping up to be a great play-off preview. Both teams are extremely excited to play each other and can’t wait to get their first game out of the way (sorry Tigers). They say to play each pitch like it’s your last, but this game means something more to each side. We’ve got speed, hitting, defence, pitching, all sorts of factors ready to make this match one of the most memorable ones in history! Having said this, this preview thinks it’s setup too perfectly and will, therefore, be a dud.
Prediction: 2-1 Bucks
Game 4 – Owls vs Eagles
After getting shut out in the rain match of two weeks ago, the Owls are looking for revenge against this Eagles squad. The big question of this game will be whether or not Kumail Meghani and Irfahn Khimji have found their home run strokes after each taking extended vacations or if they left their A game on the other side of the Atlantic. The Eagles, on the other hand, are looking to extend their perfect streak. Ray Noorhmohamed and Minaz Noormohamed refuse to be in the same dugout so look for only one to show up this week. That doesn’t matter to the Eagles because all they care about is their all-star pitcher, Hussein Allidina, showing up. With the way he is pitching, the only way the Owls stand a chance is if their star pitcher, Asad Nasser, actually makes it on time for once!
Prediction: 5-2 Eagles
Game 5 – Owls vs Wolves
If there is one team that the Owls are trying to be like, it’s the Wolves. After a dismal start last year, the Wolves are looking to repeat that success. Sitting in the basement, captains Ali Merali and Imran Virji have the league right where they want them. Is this the week that the Wolves start climbing the rankings? For that to happen, the first team they need to leap-frog is the Owls. This preview thinks that it is still too early in the season for that to happen.
Prediction: 11-4 Owls
Game 6 – Falcons vs Eagles
Heavily regretting their drafting decisions, captains Abbas Nasser and Shane Worthington are taking a different approach to the rest of their season. If you can’t coach up your team, fire the coach and bring in a new one! Welcoming Imtiyaz Kara into the fold, the Falcons now have one of the best player coaches in the league. Having said that, Kara is expected to miss this week and, therefore, this preview does not think that is going to be quite enough to stop the big bats of Ali Manek and Abbasali Kermalli.
Prediction: 21-9 Eagles
Game 7 – Wolves vs Falcons
The final game of the day features a battle for the basement. While the Wolves maybe, just maybe, will want to start their climb out, the Falcons are going to do their best to keep them there. Without both Riaz Champsi and Imtiaz Kara, the Falcons will be looking for pitching. Can Shahid Rahemtulla hit the strike mat? This will be his first big test against a salivating Wolves team. The big green softball is starting to look more and more like an avocado and Ali Merali is bringing the toast! Look out, the basement looks like it’s going to get a lot more crowded.
Prediction: 18-9 Wolves